Community Bible Experience

At St Germain’s, we believe the Bible is central to who we are. We are on a journey to read the whole of the Bible together, rather than in small chunks on own own. We think this will lead to a deeper and more obedient engagement with the Word of God. The Bible was not put into chapters and verses until the 16th century, so we are going back to basics and using a readers’ version which takes away chapters and verses and presents the text in a way that represents the original writing. The Bible was also originally a spoken book, so members of the church are helping us by reading the Bible out loud. You can find these recording below. Join us as we enter into God’s story and join our own story to God’s continuing revelation.

Introduction to the Books of the bible

The Bible is not one book but many - a library containing stories, biographies, poetry, history and more. It is useful to understand what each book is about before you read it, so here are some videos that will give you an overview before you dive in:

Fuller Studios: Introductions to the Books of the Bible

The Bible Project - animated introductions

the new testament


1 & 2 Thessalonians

1 & 2 Corinthains




Ephesians & Philemon

Philipians & 1 Timothy

Titus & 2 Timothy





1 & 2 Peter and Jude


1, 2 & 3 john
