prayer resources

St Germain’s is an active church, with a ‘Morning Prayer’ group on Monday & Saturday mornings, a monthly Central Prayer meeting and several home groups. Please find below links to prayer resources, including the Church of England ‘Morning Prayer’ page, which is updated daily. Also, keep up-to-date with Facebook, where we will post material.

Church of England Daily Prayers - including Morning Prayer


Daily Service - BBC Radio 4

An Ordinary Office - Morning, midday, evening and night prayers. Written for people with disabilities and with mental health resources

24/7 Prayer podcast

Bible Study

Scripture Union - Word Live

Prayer Walking

This is what it says it is – praying while you walk! The idea is to focus on those living in our community, so it’s important to be intentional about praying God’s blessing on what you see and feel. Let’s pray positively ‘Your Kingdom come, your will be done….’ in every street of our parish in the coming week. Check out the list of streets, and some suggestions for how to prayer walk here.

24-7 Prayer toolshed resources

Prayer Everywhere

Keeping it Simple

Slowing and Centring




Unanswered Prayer



Confession & Reconciliation

Spiritual Warfare
