Growing Christ-centred Community

Sunday Worship

Come and join us for our 10.30am service. Communion will be part of these services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month.

On 2nd and 4th Sundays - Service of the Word followed by short Communion

Sunday Club is available for children

Sunday Night Prayer

Zoom online prayer at 9pm

Midweek Worship

11.00 am communion service - a short service followed by tea & biscuits. Join us for fellowship and discussion in the afternoon.

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer is back live and in person. Join us in the side chapel on Mondays from 9.30am.

We are also praying for the church and the community every Saturday morning from 9.30am in the church.

Hands raised in worship

St Germain’s Wellbeing Workshops

FREE Weekly drop-in Wellebing workshops

1.30-3pm on Mondays Starting 29th January

We all need to look after our emotional health as much as our physical health. In fact, they are intimately connected - after all, our brains are part of our bodies too! St Germain’s Wellbeing is running a series of 13 free Wellbeing Workshops that focus on learning skills and creativity to help with a whole range of common issues from worry and low mood, to sleep and chronic pain.



If you want to know more or if you would like us to contact you about news, events, activities and services at or organised by St Germain's.

Please complete the form below


What’s Happening

Browse our calendar and sign up to events


Giving just got easier! We’ve launched new ways to donate to our work using direct debits or credit cards.

Life Groups

Make friends and develop your faith in one of our variety of small groups.